Yantai Shang Yi Garm上冷ent Co., Ltd
Yantai Shang Yi Garm是請ent Co., Ltd.
Driving route convenient transport器黃ation
It's 127.5km from Shanghai to Shangy們拿i clothing headquarters, 謝公with an estimated journey of 2 hours 還微and 23 minutes It is 166.4那森 km from Nanjing to Shangyi clot懂舞hing headquarters, with an志就 estimated journey of 2 hours and 那票30 minutes It is 58.4 k笑內m from Suzhou to Shangyi clothi對兒ng headquarters, and the journey is exp年技ected to be 1 hour and 10 minutes體些 It is 206.8 km from Hangzhou to Sha不生ngyi clothing headquarters, wi議森th an estimated journey of 3 hours a笑老nd 10 minutes Yantai個術 Shuofang airport to Shangyi clothi去員ng headquarters 22.6 km, is expected to劇費 travel 35 minutes Yantai畫鄉 Station to Shangyi 靜睡clothing headquarter會是s 6.3 km, is expected to travel 20 min道體utes Yantai high-speed exit 喝小to Shangyi clothing head歌道quarters 6 km, is expected to travel 關答15 minutes
Good transportation infrastructure re討動duces the flow cost 人一of Shangyi and the comprehensive cos去河t of garment production. Good accessibi多弟lity greatly facilitates樂報 information exchange and technical 睡紙cooperation with customers and錢著 suppliers.
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Yantai Shangyi clothing


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